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Just like to say:

My mum was suffering from dementia and a variety of health conditions and we were advised that the time had arrived when she would need 24 hour professional care. Mum had always been a very strong independently minded and, on occasions, wilful lady and was nervous and not looking forward to this next daunting stage. She was concerned she would be ‘reined in’ and not permitted to be herself. Also, really, she was not a mixer and always preferred her own company – so again the thought of living with others concerned her greatly.

How wrong these thoughts and concerns were. She loved Ashwood Care Home. It became her home. The Staff were her additional ‘Family’, whom she grew to love.

She was still able to lead her life just as she liked to … she could stay in her room, doing her own “crafting”. She could mix with the other friendly residents if she wanted, for however long she wanted, then could return to the comforts of her own room.

Whenever we visited we were always made very welcome by the caring staff. If unable to visit could get updates on how Mum was by phone. Never being made to feel guilty if we were unable to visit as frequently as maybe some other relatives could.

Mum now has sadly passed on… but we are comforted to know that her last 2 years living at Ashwood were happy ones